Hi there, thanks for coming to my website. I have been making bait for over 40 years for myself and my friends and for the last 25 years for trade and retail. I am a UK-based company, and I make all the baits myself. With that comes the trust, quality, and fish-catching ability of my bait in a cost-effective manner. All my baits are made to be used all year round with some having the upper edge in winter with an old-school way of making good food type baits that give the fish this signal of food they can eat  of thinking but with a modern twist as with the sweet pineapple bait may people use it when colder conditions come but being a true food bait it will work well all year round and offers something different in the summer when others use fish meal baits. as with the liquid foods they have a blend of amino acids mixed into them to give the fish a good strong food signal this is heavier than water and stay low near your bait the natural movement of the lake will slowly mix the liquid food into the lake water and move up through the layers bring the fish in closer to the bottom and making the fish eat